Thursday, May 16, 2019

Kandy Alert!!! Missing Boy In BLAkron Ohio

Dominique Edwards

One of the city's most popular internet radio stations (Ear Kandy Radio) put out a call to the city's local media to show support in a very important effort. Ear Kandy's owner and radio personality  Brittney Miller realized a mother was missing her son and as the concerned person she is she reacted with her very first "Kandy Alert".
Brittney Miller putting in work
Ear Kandy's "Kandy Alert" is the radio station's version of the country's Amber Alert. The reason why I like Ear Kandy's alert is... it puts a focus (particularly) on the missing children from our communities which I like to call BLAkron Ohio.

The missing child in question is 15 year old Antwane Edwards. His mother Dominique stopped by the Ear Kandy studio (now located in Kenmore) for a special press conference to help get the word out about her missing son. At this time I would like to commend the sista Brittney Miller and the entire Ear Kandy team for a job well done. Please check out Brittney as she interviews the mother (Dominique) in the video posted below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem

Check out this quick video