Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thornton Jr. High School "Resurrected" Greatly

Event Promoters Ricky Callaway
& Darnell Mitchell

The last week or so ago was very busy and entertaining. We had the so-called "Small Business Saturday", a holiday fundraiser at The Vortex Night Club and of-course the Thornton Jr. High School Alumni Cabaret and Bash. A few other events took place without any bad energy, fights and any other unfortunate incidents.

The Thornton Jr. High School Bash was simply off the hook. My people were suited and booted. Most of the sista's were dressed classy with a positive sense of sexiness. That's right, our sista's were simply gorgeous. The brothas, for the most part was suited and booted as well. Most of them were dressed in suits and gators.

The event was serenaded by the funky sounds of the very popular band called LeFunque. After they brought the house down legendary DJ Timbo did his thing on the ones and twos playing all the old school funk imaginable. Even promoters comedian Darnell Mitchell and Ricky Callaway deserve a huge shout out for a job well done. With that being said I'm counting the days until next year's bash. Please check out some pics from the event below. Until next time, have some fun and get something done. 

-Hiram Akeem

Pics From Thornton Jr. High School

Beautiful People

Funk Band

Suited And Booted