Saturday, December 22, 2018

Akron School Teacher doubles As A Rapper


Many people are able to become a rapper. Some can even take it to the next level and become professional. But how many can become a college graduate or even a teacher? Well my brotha Kimani Smith did just that. As a professional educator he teaches in the Akron public school system. As a rapper, he represents the city's bubbling HipHop culture.

One of the doppest things about Kimani or what he likes to be called when rapping (Mr. Smith) is his commitment to that traditional HipHop sound, flow and value. When listing to his music one will soon realize that Mr. Smith is a force to be reckoned with. One of his releases or projects is called The Support EP. This project is a must have as it deals with the realities of child support. Another project is called Breakfast Bars Vol.1 with Akron native Dee Hart. This project and other songs can be found on Itunes, Spotify, Amazon and Google play.

As it relates to Mr. Smith (the rapper) it's clear that the brotha rap and represents himself and style as one of the intelligent people. His intelligence is on full display during his latest music video titled Regular Person. Other music videos can be seen via YouTube and of-course here at Akronhiphop. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem 

Check out this quick video