Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Broken Beauty Ministries (Laura Hausman)

Ace Epps & Laura Hausman

Some of you may know that we here at Akronhiphop/Mecca Media Entertainment are hard at work putting positive images in the faces of the impressionable. We are currently promoting our vlog series on this website and social media (facebook). Our vlogs are anywhere from 3-10 minutes long. The subject matter can be just about anything that you can image.

One of our most important vlogs that we are producing is for motivational speaker and devote christian Laura Hausman titled Broken Beauty Ministries. The weekly vlog is an inspirational message designed for the viewer's success and upliftment. With that being said please check out her at her book signing event earlier this year posted above. Until next time, have some fun and get something done

-Hiram Akeem