Friday, September 14, 2018

Does Jesus Still Matter In The Black Community

Pastor Ukali White & Bro. Hiram Akeem

With the latest issue happening on Copley Rd. I personally feel that more than a conversation has to happen. On social media, our city is going back and forth over whether or not The Open Pantry should stay open. Whatever your opinion is as far as that's concerned is your right to have. I personally believe that we should shut down all stores that are not black-owned in our communities. For far too long we have allowed outsiders to come in and benefit off of our ignorance. Now don't get me wrong, I do believe that it's our mentality that keeps us repeating so-called black on black crimes.

However, it's times like these that our community leaders need to get out and make thoughts manifest. That's why I gotta give a shout out to my sista councilwoman Tara Samples for taking to social media and begin making a difference. The same can be said for Christain Pastor Ukali White who stopped by the green room to talk about the troubling times our communities are faced with and how believing in Jesus can help. As always, our conversations are fun, educational and liberating. Please check out the conversation posted above. Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem