Monday, February 12, 2018

Blu Valentine

So it's a holiday to express your love in an extra special way that you didn't all the rest of the days of the year. Ever wonder how the broken hearted feel on this day? I know you think they all crying , wishing they had a date and all that jazz but here's the Real they feel that way already on Valentines day its just magnified ! See newly single ppl or single want you all to know to STOP thinking their l sad an broke up on this day understand most maybe but others are happy they escaped misery ,abuse of all kind. There is nothing wrong with remembering the love you had or soulmate your no longer with consider it your time to celebrate them because after all you gained character from that time in your life.  See it's life after love and lost I should know I wrote a song about it , I survived it and I'm surviving it again my 1820 kind of love is with someone else did it tear me to pieces yes do I still love them yes ! So my valentines day maybe BLU (bold liberated an unique) I'm going to release balloons have some wine an eat some chocolate.  

I may cry but I'm strong it's ok and a part of healing . Look when you lie or embrace the past you can not enjoy your present or your future so while the world celebrates on weds in red if your single let's celebrate in BLU be blessed be bold be bigger than life, be liberated, be lovable, be lively,  be unique,  be unleashed, be YOU. Don't let the space of where someone should be set you back  heal properly so your heart can be free to open up to love again.  Hope you enjoy your day and this song I wrote from my CD life after loved and lost.

Written by: Courtney Trice