Sunday, October 28, 2018

Reniece Tatum is all about that "Crown & Glory"

Dream-A-Wig Founder & Owner
 Reniece Tatum

Many times I get so busy with the "You gotta do the things that you have to do-while the things you wanna do gets put on the back burner". Recently I noticed quite a few interviews and videos that I did from this past year that didn't get published (due to the amount of work that I've been blessed to have). With that being said going into the month of November I will be showcasing some of BLAkron Ohio's most talented and interesting people.

The first person that I feel that the city should already know about is Dream-A-Wig's owner and founder Reniece Tatum. In short, she creates wigs for children that have lost their hair due to unfortunate illnesses. Reniece calls her wigs "crown & glory pieces" which I think is an incredible name for her wigs. The "dope" thing about the "crown & glory" name/brand is the name itself is designed to bust up the self-esteem ultimately producing a positive vibe.

Reniece also believes that when creating a "crown" for a young lady (or boy) having them there to help with the design and creation of the wig is paramount. So if you know someone that's in need of her services please check out her website by clicking the following link
Until next time, have some fun and get something done.

-Hiram Akeem